Technology 8 min read

16 Cool Web App Ideas for 2019

Written on 30 Jan 2019

Web applications, both in the form of traditional desktop websites and mobile phone apps, are a great way to get a user base to monetize and build a brand around. In order to have a successful web application, it needs to be backed by a solid idea that people can actually use in a market that’s not completely saturated. Below, we’ve listed some cool app ideas to consider if you’re looking to get started on building a web application. No idea is perfect without the knowhow and right development team to back it up, but some inspiration is always helpful.

Make a dating app!

Dating Application

Dating apps are able to match people by using algorithms that match certain traits as well as behaviors on the app itself. A dating app can provide a solid set of paying customers, given you have a good wide-reaching advertising campaign to back it up.
Make a platform for hobbyists!

A Social Platform for Hobbyists

Life’s hectic pace often doesn’t leave people with much extra time, and as a result people often sacrifice their favorite hobbies to get ahead. If people wish to keep these activities or start them again when they have more time, it can be hard to find new groups- especially if they don’t have time for in person networking.
Apps that connect people with others that enjoy the same thing are important. The ability to chat amongst others, share information, read news and blogs or possibly write their own are all important. In this case, you have to find what would set your app apart from typical Facebook groups or discord servers. It’s also best to focus on a particular niche or category.
Users of an app like this usually won’t pay for it (and getting as many users as possible is important) but they can be served ads, and they provide potentially valuable data for advertisers.
Automation is big in 2019

Automated Customer Service Chatbots

Though it’s not necessarily the first thing you’d think of for a “cool app idea”, automation is quickly replacing a large part of customer service by chat. Building chatbots, possibly leveraging machine learning and AI libraries, and selling them to potential clients who are building a support app to answer the most common customer questions may be a good idea.
Everyone likes music!

YouTube Radio

There is a lot of popular content of many different kinds on YouTube, including original music. Creating an app that curates the best content from YouTube and saves the user the effort of searching for it will find users of all ages who want to listen to music and podcasts in the background without interruption.
I'm a Capricorn

Astrology with Machine Learning

This may not be the thing for everyone, but there are many, specifically in Asian countries, who strongly believe in the practice of astrology. A Machine learning based astrological advisor can help them get real time horoscopes and other related things in a more personalized fashion without visiting an astrologer.
Most of the time you need a handyman, something important broke

Quickly Connect to a Professional

We’ve all heard of the many apps to get appointments and find the best person for these kind of tasks, but what if you need to get emergency professional assistance over the phone as soon as possible? There might be an opportunity to make a paid app that connects people seeking advice from professionals of any field with no delay.
You might want to write this one down

Reminder App

People often lose track of their important matters in the midst of their busy lives. Reminder apps are a popular and important tool to help keep people on track. There are many different kind of apps out there, but if you can find something to set yours apart you may have a winner.
Browser Tracker

Browser Tracker

This type of app, more suited for a computer than a mobile device, would allow employers more control over the usage of the company computers on company time. Time limits for websites, alerts for suspicious activity, and notifications are just a few of the features employers are looking for. There’s always a need for this kind of a solution, and businesses often are willing to pay for this type of app with a software as a service model.
Side effects may include headache, mild nausea, or death

Reviews for Medication

When you are taking a new medication, isn’t it a good idea to do a bit of research on what you’re putting into your body? Side effects, interactions with other drugs and conditions, as well as feedback from other users are all valuable information.
Everyone is disrupting the market these days

Startup Club

A “startup club” can be a great idea in the form of a social network web application where you can submit self-produced articles, products, as well as YouTube videos. You can review the list of submissions and promote whichever you may like on to front page of the app and on social media. People are always looking to have their startup promoted, and others are looking for the next interesting thing.
Every business needs a website

Website Builder

Everyone wants to make a website, and very few have the technical expertise or patience to do it manually. For the people who don’t yet want to hire professionals, a website builder with a WYSIWYG editor is what they will probably be looking for. For smaller businesses, blogs, or personal sites, there will always be need for these kind of tools.
Alternatively, try learning the local language

Local Transportation

If you are new in a city and do not have much knowledge about the available transportation options, a good web app for local transportation will show you accurate routes and help you commute on public transportation to various places around city, ensuring you reach your destination on time and safely with minimal frustration.
Some ideas can save lives

Disaster Alert

Natural disasters leave the worst effects on the lives of the unprepared. There’s potential life-saving value in an app that gives alerts, up to date reports, and professional advice for people based on the location. This is especially useful in areas with limited or non-existant government early warning systems.
This is a good reason for that browser activity tracker idea

Apps for Fun

People love scrolling endlessly though fun content in the form of pictures and gifs. Building a web application that curates this type of content by category and makes it easy to share is not a bad idea. These types of curating apps are not meant to replace a social network, they’re just meant to provide endless and seamless content to laugh at when you’re bored with minimal intrusion of people’s social lives.
There's no replacement for direct medical advice

Medical Support Platform

Often the rare diseases are left untreated due to lack of awareness. Having a web portal for medical advice can connect the patients to medical professionals, help them stay confident, and help them fight these ailments better.
Maybe you can tie it in with eBook sales?

Book Review Platform

There are millions of book lovers out there looking for their next book. An application that curates and has reviews of the best and latest books could be a hit with many avid readers.

It Takes More Than a Cool App Idea

Of course, with any of these ideas, you’ll need a development team. If you’re looking for a team to make your next cool app idea for you, look no further than CodeClouds for both custom mobile app development and web application development. We have more than 250 experts ready to serve you from 4 locations globally, and support available 18 hours a day 5 days a week. Our mobile and web application experts are experts in the latest and greatest in tech and design, and can make an app that scales with your business.

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