UI/UX 4 min read

10 Reasons to Switch to HTML5 Today!

Written on 04 Apr 2017

HTML5 has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. From increased accessibility to improved interaction, it has everything you and your users need. If you haven’t switched to HTML5, you’re behind the curve—learn what you’re missing today!

HTML5 is already here, but not all developers and designers have made the switch. Many still need convincing to let go of what’s comfortable, and adjust to something new. We’re going to go over some of the advantages of HTML5.
The many advantages of HTML5

HTML5 promotes Accessibility

Creating sites that are accessible is now easier with HTML5, because of semantic tags and ARIA. The new headings that come with it give screen readers the chance to access content more easily. It is easier to inspect HTML documents with semantic tags and deliver an overall better experience for users who can work with them.

HTML5 provides support for both Video and Audio

Thanks to one of the many advantages of HTML5, now you can say goodbye to Flash Player as well as other types of third party players. Your videos and audio clips don’t need any extra support, they’ll just play natively on any browser. You will not have to worry about getting media to play because the tags for audio and video treat them as if they were images. For other parameters (height, autoplay, etc.), these are also easy to define.

HTML5 eliminates the need for Cut and Paste with the doctype

That’s right – you can now say goodbye to endless lines of unreadable code as well as messy head tags that are filled in with your doctype attributes. It’s marvellously simple, and it runs in all types of browsers as far back as IE6.

HTML5 presents cleaner – and therefore more attractive – Code

If you are a fan of elegant code, then you will also be a fan of HTML5. It lets you write clear and very descriptive code with a lot of semantic clarity. You can easily separate the meaning from both content and style.

Persistent Local Storage

HTML5 has a snazzy local storage feature that’s a cross between regular cookies and client-side databases. It allows storage across a number of windows, but at the same time—you can be sure of improved security and performance, as well as knowing your data will stay even once the browser is closed. There’s no more need to worry about users deleting cookies, because it’s a client side type of database which has been adopted on most browsers. Furthermore, this new local storage allows you to make web apps possible without the need for third party plugins.

HTML5 allows for Improved Interactions

Who doesn’t want better interactions? Everybody wants increasingly dynamic websites that are able to respond to users and let them enjoy as well as interact with as much of your content as possible (as opposed to just simply looking or viewing it). This is where you will love <canvas>, which is an HTML5 drawing tag that lets you work on more interactive and animated elements that are supported natively in the browser, rather than needing to run a plugin like Flash.

HTML5 also allows for Game Development

When you’re taking a break from building sites, you don’t need to switch to another platform when you want to focus your attention and efforts on game development. The same <canvas> tag allows mobile-friendly means to make fun and interactive games.

HTML5 provides support for Legacy and Cross Browsers

The most modern and popular browsers like Safari, Chrome, Opera, etc. all provide support for HTML5. As mentioned earlier, it even runs on browsers as far back as IE6. All the older browsers have to do is to add JavaScript HTML5shiv so they can utilize the new tags.

HTML5 is right up there with Mobile Technology

This is one of the major advantages of HTML5. Mobile has recently overtaken desktop as the most popular way to browse the internet, and markup that isn’t built for mobile is going to struggle. Mobile adoption grows at a rapid pace, and the growing number of mobile browser users will appreciate websites or applications that are as mobile friendly as possible.

Finally, HTML5 is the future – so you need to get on with the program

web design tips
Soon, almost all companies in the world will transition to HTML5, and if you’re not there with then you can consider yourself left behind! It’s already happening, and you want to get onboard before your site is yesterday’s news. While you’re updating your site, make sure your website security is up to date, and also maybe check out our top 10 web design tips.

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