Custom Request For Proposal Platform


Custom Request For Proposal Platform

Project Overview

GreenRFP worked with CodeClouds to build a platform that would streamline the creation of RFPs and the paperwork that is typically involved. They wanted to have a simple and easy-to-understand process for creating RFPs and allow anyone involved like SMEs and vendors to collaborate seamlessly.




Public Services

  • Software Development

  • Cloud Solutions

  • Solution Architecture

  • Data & Analytics

  • Quality Engineering

  • Angular
  • AWS
  • Laravel
Application UI 1
Application UI 2
Application UI 3
Application UI 4
Application UI 5
Application UI 6


GreenRFP required a custom application for their clients to be able to manage requests for proposals. This platform needed to offer deep features for RFP management such as user account management and dashboards for invited users while also being flexible enough to accommodate additional features as their clients request over time.



Streamlining the creation of RFPs, the guesswork, headaches, and vagueness that is typically involved in the traditional RFP process.

Building an entirely custom application for customers, SMEs and vendors to be able to manage, respond and contribute on the RFP process.

Have enough flexibility and resilience to expand features as clients request over time.

Have deeply integrated features for RFP management.

Invited vendors and SMEs should have their own dashboard to manage RFPs they have been invited to respond or collaborate on.


CodeClouds set out to build the in-depth RFP creation wizard according to the process outlined by GreenRFP. Each stage fulfilling the requirements to be user-friendly and easy to use for everyone involved in the process.

We implement a process to allow RFP creators/contributors to share the proposal with others for alignment and approvals before inviting potential vendors to collaborate.

As the ability to add additional features over time was important, we built the GreenRFP platform with Laravel and AWS for modern flexibility and scalability.

We developed various RFP features according to the requirements of GreenRFP. Features such as templating, reporting, RFP bidding, vendor account management and most importantly, the detailed RFP creation process.

An important part of this platform was allowing vendors to be invited and collaborate on RFPs. We created a database for vendors who sign up and have their details registered. When users want to invite potential vendors to their RFP, they can filter based on specific criteria and allow vendors to respond and collaborate through their own dashboard.



We successfully built and launched a platform which streamlined the RFP process for GreenRFPs clients and eliminated much of the guesswork, headaches, and vagueness typically involved with the RFP process. The specialized features we developed worked as intended and met the requirements of both GreenRFP and its customers.

Once customers started using the system, GreenRFP noted common feedback from customers. This feedback was brought to us and we made the changes promptly. One of the biggest benefits Scott Gambaro of GreenRFP found when working with us is our customer service!

Codeclouds' client

Scott Gambaro


“CodeClouds still delivers high customer service. When there’s an issue with my customer, CodeClouds can help out right away. Usually in 15 minutes. I wouldn’t be able to deliver great customer service if CodeClouds didn’t give me great customer service. Because they respond right away, I’m able to turn that back around to customers and deliver the same great service. You can’t find that anywhere and is a big bonus working with CodeClouds. It also allows us to be better than the competition.”

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